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About GMI - A High Strength Steel Supplier

A family owned and operated business, Geoffrey Metals, Inc. (GMI), was established in 1977 by Geoff Murdoch. Geoff partnered with Jim Willert in 2000 and they still proudly work at the company today alongside the second generation of GMI employees.

Trustworthy With Resounding Customer Service

Built with hard work and integrity, the success of GMI can be attributed to a commitment to providing quality material, on-time, and at a consistently competitive price; at least that's what we believe has kept many of our customers coming back to us for over forty years and can attest to our personal one-on-one customer service. Over the years we have not only developed strong relationships with our customers but also with our domestic mill sources.

Yes. Domestic.

GMI inventory comes strictly from domestic steel mills to ensure an exceptional product along with top-notch quality control.

While GMI humbly maintains its headquarters just outside of Chicago in Bloomingdale, Illinois, our hot rolled steel is shipped to customers and manufacturers nation wide. If you are in the market for a dependable high strength steel supplier, look no further.

Geoffrey Metals, Inc. will not only be your supplier, but also your steel partner in providing hot rolled and slit coil as well as metal plates.